Saturday, November 29, 2008

bon qui qui at king burger

everyone should watch this video...sooo funny!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

some pics of my cutie!

her indian name was "bright eyes"

i like this pic b/c it shows her pretty blue eyes :-)

morgan and all of her babies

morgan and her cousins (my brother's kids) christian and nathan

Saturday, November 1, 2008

why do people get married?

i was looking at the wedding/engagement announcements on the and it made me wonder - why? i would imagine most would say it's because they're in love and want to start a family.

but i was talking to a lady i work with yesterday - she is 40 something, divorced after almost 20 years of marriage and repeated infidelity on her ex-husband's part. they have been divorced for 5 years or so and she still hates him. i guess what i was thinking about is when you marry someone, you make yourself totally vulnerable to them. you open yourself up in such a way that your spouse can totally destroy you with a single sentence. the phrase "thin line between love and hate" really is true. because ultimately, you can't hate someone unless you have cared enough to really let them get to you. so why do people want to put themselves in that position? b/c no one thinks it will happen to them.

i have grown and changed ALOT in the last almost 2 years. i've thought about that a lot lately. i used to think that things were "meant to be" and let life happen to me. i thought, "well, if he wants to marry me, then it must be meant to be" (i am referring to my ex, not my current husband) and i don't know where i got that attitude but it is completely stupid to me now. whenever i find myself talking to someone new, oftentimes they ask "how did yall meet?" about me and bo. when they hear our rather unusual story, the usual reaction is "well, it must be meant to be!" except for one girl who said "that is sick!" - i still don't understand that one!
i just smile and say "yeah" or something, but i really don't agree with that at all.

and i will answer my own question (which was really meant to be rhetorical) - why did i marry bo? well, he introduced me to the church of Christ which i believe is the one, true church, without which i might never have been saved. (yes, that's what i believe - i know it sounds "cultish" but it absolutely isn't! i respect everyone's right to choose their own church but if you're curious about what we believe feel free to ask - i won't try to persuade you to change) second, he loves my daughter - it takes a lot for a man to be willing to love, provide for and raise a child that doesn't have his dna or his last name. you should see bo carrying around our camcorder at all of morgan's dance team performances - it's so cute! third, he has the same life dreams and goals that i have - to raise a family and to show our kids what marriage is supposed to look like and to spend eternity in heaven. fourth, he is very smart financially - is planning for our retirement and strives to keep us debt free. fifth, he expressed his desire to be, and is, the leader of our family. sixth, he not only respects, but embraces, my fear of flying (that was partially a joke, but it actually is true!) most importantly he loves and respects me. and he does little things daily to show me that.
i may very well be the luckiest girl in the whole world.

some pics

riding tricycle

fun at the ms state fair

nothing too exciting going on around the williams household...morgan was tinkerbell for halloween...will post pics as soon as i find my camera cord. morgan is still enjoying school - she loves her teacher and even has a boyfriend.

i am SOOOO ready for this election to be over! so tired of politics!! and just hoping and praying that john mccain wins!!