Tuesday, November 20, 2007

leaving the city made of brick

well, tomorrow is the BIG day! my last day of work and the day i leave madison. i am excited, but sad at the same time. the main thing i'll miss is being comfortable. i know the shortcuts to get to my favorite restaurant, i'm comfortable with my daughter's daycare and i love my job and my coworkers.
but, according to some country song "life's about change and nothing ever stays the same". the past year has proved that. i was telling a coworker yesterday that i will have 3 different last names in a 12 month period. married, back to maiden, and married again. that is so beyond how i would have imagined my life to go. but i have learned something very valuable. anything is possible.

in 5 months or so i will be officially starting a new chapter of my life. i believe it will be a life filled with love, laughter and true friendship. stay tuned...