Wednesday, June 18, 2008

i didn't want to do it, but i did it anyway, and it SUCKED!!!

so, i got up and went "running" at 430 this morning. it sucked. way too dark. couldn't get my heart rate up where i like to get it.

you may ask yourself, why do you have to get up 4 hours before you have to be at work so you can run for 30 minutes? well, my husband has to be at work at 6 (he's usually earlier) so i have to be home before he leaves -
but i think i can probably swing leaving at 450 or so and still get back in plenty of time.

so yes, it sucked but i supposed i'm glad i did it. next time it won't be as early, and hopefully it will be better.

all for now.


KTElltt said...

GO ASHLEY!!!! I'm going to "run" vicariously through you, ok? I'll read about it here and maybe eventually get inspired... HAHA!